Friday, 24 February 2012

Question 7...

What concerns/ considerations are there (if any) for the media institutions involved in your case study as a result of the impact of new and digital media? (E.g. deskilling or multi-skilling of the workforce/ decline in workforce etc)
Audiences are concerned because they are the proletariat – wage slaves and owners of institutions such as Murdoch are the bourgeoisie. This is a concern as the owners have more power and control over passive audiences which means they have the ability to manipulate values and inject them into audience – this is evident in the hypodermic model.
Institution may also feel threatened by new and digital media, as active audiences have the ability to create their own media products; this is evident as citizen journalism has become more popular over the recent years. This is a result of UGC (people go out there and make news and post videos up on social networking sites and YouTube to share their message)
New and digital media has made it difficult for institutions to compete with one another and maintain their survival. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to win audiences as audiences have so many choices and there’s not monopoly. 

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